Posts Tagged ‘research’

“Critical thinking is the habit of questioning all assertions and examining everything that we think we know in the light of knowledge, logic, the scientific method, and your own research.” -Doug Casey

“Apply Magic Sauce is a website that uses some of the random nonsense from your e-mails and social media accounts to generate a psychological profile of you… The Facebook data reveal what people actually do when they are unaware that their behavior is the subject of research.” -The Crux from Scientific American

Public pensions nationwide are crumbling. Legal loopholes are widening. If you don’t take action to protect yourself and your loved ones, you could be left with nothing….  this is not a hypothetical.

In 2001, the vast majority of pensions were fully funded. Generally speaking, “well-funded” means above 80%. But 50% funding or less is considered the “crisis point.” It’s extremely difficult to come back from 50% or less.

According to a new report from The Pew Charitable Trusts – an independent research organization – pensions in Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Kentucky, and New Jersey are less than 50% funded. In fact, New Jersey sits at the bottom of the list… its pension is only 31% funded.

If you’re one of the tens of millions of affected Americans, you should know… you have zero control over what happens.

But there is a solution….  You can move money from your pension….  This gives you total control of your money.” -David Eifrig


“Here’s a chart based on research from the Economic Policy Institute that describes the problem. As you can see, productivity in this country grew nearly 250% between 1948 and 2014, but median wages only grew 109%…You’ll also notice that the divergence begins around 1971… the year President Nixon removed the U.S. dollar from gold.

Why? Because paper money doesn’t transmit gains in productivity like real, sound money should.

In short, when the dollar was unlinked from gold, the government was granted the ability to create unlimited amounts of new money. But this money doesn’t flow to everyone equally. It is created in the banks, and then works its way through the financial system before eventually trickling down through the real economy. The result is that asset and consumer prices have risen far faster than wages.” -Justin Brill

Financial-research firm FactSet explains exactly what’s driving this market forward, despite all of the economic warning signs.  So far this year, 41 different companies have spent more than $1 billion buying back their own shares.  So far this year, U.S. corporations have spent a total of $166 billion on share buybacks.  That’s a 15% increase over last year… and sets a new record annual pace for share buybacks.” -Porter Stansberry

Perhaps you find yourself in a similar situation many Americans find themselves in, overwhelmed with a high level of debt and an increasing frustration on how to eliminate it.  The worst part of the whole situation is that you are most likely sick and tired of trying to overcome it by yourself; mentally drained from thought and worry.

These same irritations were true about my life.  I was simply fatigued from studying my debt, searching for a way out of what seemed to be an insurmountable situation.  Of course, there were various strategies available; experts explaining how to get out of debt.  Through my research, I began to realize the problem with many of these was the unknown.  No one could tell you how much money needed to be applied to different debts, what happens when your income fluctuates, but most importantly how long it would take to be debt free.  To me, the faster the better.

Finally, I came across a service that answered all of these questions and were specific to my financial situation.  It specifically provided the path to not only reduce debt, but build wealth.  A strategic interest-cancellation system, it puts your money to work for you using enhanced calculations.  To date, it has saved me $19,000 with the potential to save another $15,000.  I have been happy with the results.

Save yourself time and heartache.  Give this a look to see if it might be for you.  Click here to fill find out what it can do for you.